
科研管理办公室 学科与信息化建设办公室(合署)

本年度Moan-Faltinsen Best Paper Award申报通知

  (1)CV of one page
  (2) A paper to be considered for the award with the evidence of its publication
  (The applicant should write on the first page of the paper, just before the title, the
  research area (either marine structures or marine hydrodynamics) that the paper
  should be considered for in connection with the award.)
  (3) A description about the applicant’s and the coauthors’ contribution to the paper.
  的申请人(论文第一作者)须在9月30日前提供上述申请材料的电子版,其中结构领域的申请发给唐文勇wytang@sjtu.edu.cn,流体领域的申请发给刘桦 hliu@sjtu.edu.cn
         附件:Regulations - Moan-Faltinsen Foundation and Best Paper Award - August 2015