




2022.11 ~ 至今,,土木工程系,科研/教学,硕士生导师

2021.01 ~ 2022.11,英国兰卡斯特大学,科学与技术学院工程系,博士后

2018.07 ~ 2022.10,,工程力学系,博士后

2014.09 ~ 2018.06,,土木工程系,博士

玻璃幕墙/结构系统(Glass façade/structural system)

无机非金属基复合材料(Inorganic nonmetallic matrix composites)

结构功能一体化材料(Structural and functional integrated materials)

结构数字化运维(Digital maintenance of structure)









国际ESCI期刊《Modelling and Simulation in Engineering》编委


Engineering Structures, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Vibration and Control, Pattern Recognition Letters, Structures等国际期刊审稿人

[1]    国家自然科学基金青年项目,51908352,考虑开裂层表征和残余作用的结构玻璃开裂后性能预测模型研究,2020-01至2022-12,主持。

[2]    冲击与安全工程教育部重点实验室开放基金,CJ201906,刚体冲击作用下建筑夹层玻璃体系失效机制研究, 2019-07至2021-07,主持。

[3]    科技部“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题,2017YFC0806103,“城镇建筑结构运维安全保障关键技术”第三课题“玻璃结构防倒塌关键理论和技术”,2017-07至2021-06,主要完成人/课题联系人。

[4]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,51378308,“建筑玻璃结构刚体冲击下的破坏机理及预测模型研究”,2014-01至2017-12,主要完成人。

[5]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,52078293,“新型梯度中间膜对结构玻璃开裂后承载性能提升研究”,2021-01至2024-12,主要研究人。

[6]    英国工程和物理科学研究委员会(EPSRC)项目,EP/T020695/1,基于微观试验和数值方法的混合胶接节点失效机制和优化设计,2021-01至2023-01,主要研究人。

[7]    上海市科委“科委创新行动计划”重点专项,17DZ1200306,“既有玻璃幕墙安全健康预警技术和安全性能提升技术研究”,2017-07至2020-06,主要完成人/课题联系人。

[8]    上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”社发项目,20dz1201301,基于人工智能的物业风险管理处置及预测关键技术与系统,2020-09至2023-08,项目联系人。



[1]  Yang J., Zhao C., Zhang Y., Wang X.E.* Wang Y., Xie D., (2023) Constitutive models for temperature-, strain rate- and time-dependent behaviors of ionomers in laminated glass. Journal of Materials Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08222-y.

[2]  Wang, X. E., Kanani, A. Y., Gu, Z., Yang, J., Ye, J., Hou, X., (2023) Investigation on the transitional micromechanical response of hybrid composite adhesive joints by a novel adaptive DEM model. Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 124, 103760.

[3]  Wang, X.E., Pang, K., Huang, X., Yang, J., Ye, J., Hou, X. (2023) Insights into the micromechanical response of adhesive joint with stochastic surface micro-roughness. Engineering Fracture mechanics, 277, 108954.

[4]  Wang, X. E., Kanani, A. Y., Gu, Z., Yang, J., Ye, J., Hou, X., (2022) Estimating microscale DE parameters of brittle adhesive joints using genetic expression programming. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 118, 103230.

[5]  Wang, X.E., Kanani A., Pang K., Yang J., Ye J., Hou X., (2022) A novel genetic expression programming assisted calibration strategy for discrete element models of composite joints with ductile adhesives. Thin-Walled Structures, 180, 109985.

[6]  Yang J., Wang Y., Wang, X.E.*, Hou X., Zhao C., (2022). Local bridging effect of fractured laminated glass with novel hybrid interlayers under weathering actions. Construction and Building Materials. 314:125595.

[7]  Wang, X.E., Huang, X.H.*, Yang, J., (2021). Experimental and analytical study on the pre-crack impact response of thick multi-layered laminated glass under hard body impact. International Journal of Mechanical Science. 206: 106613.

[8]  Huang, X.H., Wang, X.E.*, Yang, J., Pan, Z., Wang, F. (2021). Nonlinear analytical study of structural laminated glass under hard body impact in the pre-crack stage. Thin-Walled Structures. 167: 108137.

[9]  Wang, X.E.*, Yang, J., Huang, X., Wang, F. (2021). Voronoi-FDEM concept for modelling post-fracture response of progressively damaged structural glass. Engineering with Computers. doi:10.1007/s00366-021-01318-6

[10] Pan, Z., Yang, J., Wang, X.E.*, Wang, F., Azim, I. (2021). Image-based surface scratch detection on architectural glass panels using deep learning approach. Construction and Building Materials. 282:122717.

[11] Wang, X.E., Meng, Y., Yang, J., Huang, X., Wang, F., Xu, H. (2021). Optimal kernel extreme learning machine model for predicting the fracture state and impact response of laminated glass panels. Thin-Walled Structures. 162:107541.

[12] Wang, X.E., Yang, J., Chong, W.T., Qiao P., Peng, S., Huang, X. (2020). Post-fracture performance of laminated glass panels under consecutive hard body impacts. Composite Structures. 254:112777.

[13] Sadeghian, M.A., Yang, J., Wang, X.E.*, Wang, F. (2021). Novel adaptive tuned viscous inertance damper (ATVID) with adjustable inertance and damping for structural vibration control. Structures, 29:814-822.

[14] Wang, X.E., Yang, J., Pan, Z., Zhu, Y. (2020). Exploratory investigation into the post-fracture model of laminated tempered glass using combined Voronoi-FDEM approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 105989.

[15] Wang, X. E., Yang, J., Liu, Q., & Zhao, C. (2018). Experimental investigations into SGP laminated glass under low velocity impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 122, 91-108.

[16] Wang, X. E., Yang, J., Wang, F., Liu, Q. F., & Xu, H. (2018). Simulating the impact damage of laminated glass considering mixed mode delamination using FEM/DEM. Composite Structures, 202, 1239-1252.

[17] Wang, X. E., Yang, J., Liu, Q. F., Zhang, Y. M., & Zhao, C. (2017). A comparative study of numerical modelling techniques for the fracture of brittle materials with specific reference to glass. Engineering Structures, 152, 493-505.

[18] 王义戈,章一萍,杨健,刘强,王星尔*. 考虑碎片膨胀效应的物理钢化夹层玻璃开裂后变形分析模型[J].应用力学学报, 2022.

[19] 朱禹翰, 杨健, 王星尔*, 张凯, 王义戈. 热处理玻璃裂纹形态试验及维诺形态表征方法研究[J].硅酸盐学报, 2022,50(02):482-491. (封面论文)

[20] 王星尔, 杨健, 王翰坤. 夹层热钢化玻璃裂纹形态表征及开裂后力学行为[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2019(8):1039-1046.


[1]  Kanani, A. Y., Wang, X. E., Hou, X., Rennie, A. E., Ye, J. (2023). Analysis of failure mechanisms of adhesive joints modified by a novel additive manufacturing-assisted method. Engineering Structures, 277, 115428.

[2]  Wang, F., Shah, S., Wang, X., Wang, X. E., Zhang, W. X., Pang, B., & Yang, J. (2022). Investigation of the Structural Behaviour of RC Beam-Column Sub-frame Subjected to Progressive Collapse. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 26(4), 1782-1792.

[3]  Liu, Q. F., Hu, Z., Wang, X. E., Zhao, H., Qian, K., Li, L. J., & Meng, Z. (2022). Numerical study on cracking and its effect on chloride transport in concrete subjected to external load. Construction and Building Materials, 325, 126797.

[4]  Zhao, C., Yang, J., Wang, X.E., Ren, M., Azim, I. (2021). Investigation into short term behaviors of embedded laminated glass connections with various configurations. Construction and Building Materials. 297:123687.

[5]  Zhang H, Wang F, Yang J*, Wang X.E. (2021). Evaluation on the behaviour of screwed CFS joints subjected to combined loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2021; 180:106582.

[6]  Wang, F., Yang, J., Wang, X.E., Azim I. (2021). Study on progressive collapse behaviour of steel-framed substructures with sheathed CFS stud infill walls. Journal of Building Engineering. 102720.

[7]  Meng, Y., Wang, X.E., Yang, J., Xu, H., Zhang, J. (2021). Research on machine learning based model for predicting the impact status of laminated glass. Journal of Inorganic Materials. 36(01):61-68.

[8]  Huang, X., Yang, J., Bai, L., Wang, X.E. (2020). Theoretical solutions for auxetic laminated beam subjected to pulse load. Structures. 28:57-68.

[9]  Huang, X., Yang, J., Wang, X.E., Azim, I. (2020). Combined analytical and numerical approach for auxetic FG-CNTRC plate subjected to a sudden load. Engineering with Computers. 10.1007/s00366-020-01106-8.

[10] Huang, X.H., Yang, J., Azim, I., Wang X.E., Ren, X. (2020). Geometric nonlinear analysis of auxetic hybrid laminated beams containing CNT reinforced composite materials. Materials. 13, 3718.

[11] Huang, X.H., Yang, J., Azim, I., Ren, X. Wang X.E. (2020). Characterization of static and dynamic response of auxetic hybrid FRC/CNTRC laminated plates. Nanotechnology Reviews. 9(1): 1625-1642. doi:10.1515/ntrev-2020-0106

[12] Hu, Y., Yang, J., Baniotopoulos, C., Wang, X.E., Deng, X. (2020). Dynamic analysis of offshore steel wind turbine towers subjected to wind, wave and current loading during construction. Ocean Engineering, 216,108084.

[13] Zhao, C., Yang, J., Wang, X. E., & Azim, I. (2019). Experimental investigation into the post-breakage performance of pre-cracked laminated glass plates. Construction and Building Materials, 224, 996-1006.

[14] Zhang, Y. M., Wang, X. E., Yang, J. (2018). Experimental Study of Multiple Layered SGP Laminated Glass under Hard Body Impact. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 33(10), 1110-1118.

[15] 张强, 杨健, 王星尔, 徐涵, 孟嫣然. 基于结构响应向量和支持向量机的框支承玻璃幕墙连接松弛状态智能识别[J].硅酸盐学报,2020,48(10):1682-1688.

[16] 赵宸君,杨 健,王星尔,黄小坤,刘 强. 基于国内外标准的结构用玻璃构件承载性能设计对比[J].建筑结构学报, 2022, 43(3):212-222.

[17] 徐涵, 杨健, 王星尔, 等. 反向传播神经网络在隐框玻璃幕墙脱胶损伤识别中的应用[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2019(8):1073-1079.

[18] 刘炘炜,杨健,王星尔,刘强. 冲击致损的夹层玻璃板开裂后的静载强度[J]. 学报, 2020, 54(3): 227-238.


[1]    国际标准 ISO 21712-2020, Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for flexural bond strength of ceramics, 已发布,主要完成人

[2]    国家标准 GB/T 39826-2021,精细陶瓷 界面弯曲强度测定 四点弯曲法,已发布,主要完成人

[3]    中国工程建设标准化协会标准 T/CECS 1099-2022,玻璃结构工程技术规程,已发布,主要完成人

[4]    上海市建筑学会团体标准 T/ASSC MQ01-2021,座地式全玻璃幕墙技术标准,已发布,主要完成人


[1]    发明专利:一种半主动调谐质量惯性阻尼器,2021-07,CN 111503202 B

[2]    发明专利:无级变速器及半主动调谐粘滞惯性阻尼器,2021-02,CN 110985602 B

[3]    实用新型专利:一种全自动玻璃面板微裂纹检测平台,2020-09,CN 211528246 U

[4]    实用新型专利:一种拆装式多功能试验台,2019-12,CN 209829038 U

[5]    实用新型专利:一种玻璃幕墙脱胶检测装置,2020-02,CN 210037556 U

[6]    实用新型专利:一种用于提升装配式混凝土结构延性的钢筋连接器,2020-05,CN 210622118 U

[7]    软件著作权:全玻璃面板安全性智能监测及分析软件,2018-11,2018SR996322

[8]    软件著作权:基于组合有限离散元法的玻璃结构破坏仿真模拟软件,2020-01,2021SR0478213

2023.01 “华夏建设科学技术奖”一等奖,玻璃结构关键技术和设计方法研究与应用