Professional Experience
Associate dean, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, SJTU, China 2003-
Director of Key Laboratory of human factors engineering 2009-
Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 2002-
Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 1994-2002
Lecturer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 1991-1994
Ph.D. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2002
M.Sc. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 1991
B.Sc. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 1983
Hydrodynamic performance of new ship types
Marine systems
system reliability analysis
Virtual Reality and the human factors engineering.
Hydrodynamic performance of new ship types
Marine systems
system reliability analysis
Virtual Reality and the human factors engineering.
National Development and Reform Commission 20.0 million Research on new ship development Yi Hong
Journal Papers(graduate students-underlined)
1. Yong L, Yufang Z, Hong Y. The new magnetic survey method for underwater pipeline detection. Guangzhou2013. p. 338-43.
2. Li J, Yi H. Knowledge-based manufacturability evaluation system for shipbuilding. Melbourne, VIC2012. p. 1578-83.
3. Liu J, Li Y, Yi H, Zhang Y, editors. The modeling and analysis of wave powering surface vehicle2011; Kona, HI.
4. Liu J, Allen R, Yi H. Ship motion stabilizing control using a combination of model predictive control and an adaptive input disturbance predictor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 2011;225(5):591-602.
5. Li J, Yi H, Zhang Y. Research on green shipbuilding and concurrent green ship design. Chongqing2011. p. 614-8.
6. Li J, Yi H. Research on ship manufacturability and evaluation method. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems. 2011;10(1):3-10.
7. Pu H, Feng ZP, Yi H. Control system design for self-propelled model of a new concept submerging and surfacing platform. Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. 2010;44(9):1312-6.
8. Liu J, Yi H. A research about wave-making resistance characteristic of small water plane area twin hull. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng Ban)/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering). 2010;34(1):117-21.
9. Liu J, Yi H, editors. Consensus problem of multiagents with switching networks in state space2010.
10. Liu J, Allen R, Yi H, Zhang Y, editors. Ship stabilization control using an adaptive input disturbance predictor2010; Xiamen.
11. Liang XF, Yi H, Zhang YF, Feng ZP. Numerical simulation to reliability analysis of fault-tolerant repairable system. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science). 2010;15(5):526-34.
12. Liang X, Yi H, Zhang Y, Li D. Reliability and safety analysis of an Underwater Dry Maintenance Cabin. Ocean Engineering. 2010;37(2-3):268-76.
13. Zhang Y, Yi H, Liu J, editors. Reliability evaluation of complex system based on equivalent fault tree2009; Valencia.
14. Liu J, Yi H. Re-analysis of MDO for CGX example. Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics. 2009;13(6):895-904.
15. Liang X, Yi H, Zhang Y, Li D, editors. A numerical simulation approach for reliability analysis of fault-tolerant repairable system2009; Chengdu.
16. Liang X, Yi H, Zhang Y, Li D, editors. Evaluation of reliability and safety for an underwater dry maintenance cabin2009; Chengdu.
17. Ni SX, Zhang YF, Yi H, Liang XF. Intelligent fault diagnosis method based on fault tree. Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. 2008;42(8):1372-5+86.
18. Yi H, Zhang Y, Li C, Chen M, editors. Research on the model and software package for ship reliability analysis2002; Seattle, WA.
19. Yi H, Zhang Y, Wang J, Ge T, Zhou L, editors. Design & evaluation of hci in subsea pipeline examine & repair system2000; San Diego, CA.
Books and Chapters in Books
1. Ship Reliability Engineering. National Defense Industry Press, 2008.
Undergraduate Teaching
• Ship Reliability Engineering.
• New Ship Development
Graduate Teaching
• Ship Reliability Engineering
Graduate Students
• Xiaofeng Liang (Ph.D. student), Research on key technology for ship reliability analysis aiming at top-leveer parameters, 2003-2011
• Jun Liu (Ph.D. student),Investigation on hydrodynamic performance of the new conceptual SWATH, 2005-2011
• Jingyang Liu (Ph.D. student), The Research of Disturbance Adaptive Predictive Control and Its Application in the Motion Control of High Performance Ships , 2007-2012
• Jin Li (Ph.D. student), Research on theories and methods for ship assemblability evaluation, 2007-2012
• Xunwei Chen (Ph.D. student) An investigation on distributed coordinated control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles.2003-2009