1984年生,教授,博士生导师。2010年于上海大学计算机学院获工学博士学位,2010年至2012年在上海大学数学系、香港城市大学土木与建筑工程系进行博士后研究,2015年11月受JN Reddy 邀请在Texas A&M 机械工程系及其先进计算力学实验室进行访问研究,2017年11月-2018年11月受CSC资助在加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程系进行访学。主要研究领域包括复合材料变形失效及实验表征、基于原子间相互作用势的多尺度有限元计算、微纳尺度力学理论和计算方法,在 Research、JMPS、Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Carbon、Journal of Membrane Science、Composites Science and Technology、Composites Part A 等固体力学及其他交叉学科期刊发表论文100余篇,SCI他引超过4000次,h-index为35,出版英文学术专著二部,入选2018、2019HCR全球高被引科学家(交叉领域)。
1. 微纳表界面性能及调控
2. 多相材料耦合损伤及断裂
Composite Structures 编委
Computer modeling in Engineering and Science 副主编
Y. Hu, K. Jiang, K.M. Liew, L.W. Zhang. Nanoarray-Embedded Hierarchical Surfaces for Highly Durable Dropwise Condensation. Research, 2022(2022): 9789657.
JY. Ye, L.W. Zhang*. Damage evolution of polymer-matrix multiphase composites under coupled moisture effects, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388(2022): 114213.
P.S. Ma, J.Y. Ye, K. Tian, X.H. Chen*, L.W. Zhang*. Fracture phase field modeling of 3D stitched composite with optimized suture design. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 392 (2022) 114650.
W.H. Liu, L.W. Zhang*, K.M. Liew*. A cyclic plastic-damage multiphase model for evaluation of multiple cracking in strain hardening cementitious composites. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 158(2022), 104692.
Z. Z. Pan, L. W. Zhang*, K. M. Liew*. A phase-field framework for failure modeling of variable stiffness composite laminae.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388(2022): 114192.
L. Lin, W.M. Ji, L.W. Zhang*, Jian Ye*. Atomic Insights into the Evolution of Three-Dimensional Molecular Junctions in Plasmonic Core–Shell Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021), 1865-1873.
M.F. Kai, L.W. Zhang*, K.M. Liew*. Atomistic insights into structure evolution and mechanical property of calcium silicate hydrates influenced by nuclear waste caesium. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125033.
W.M. Ji, L.W. Zhang*, K.M. Liew*. Understanding interfacial interaction characteristics of carbon nitride reinforced epoxy composites from atomistic insights, Carbon 171 (2021) 45-54.
L.W. Zhang, W.M. Ji, Y. Hu, K. M. Liew*, Atomistic Insights into the Tunable Transition from Cavitation to Crazing in Diamond Nano-thread Reinforced Polymer Composites. Research, vol. 2020, Article ID:7815462, 2020.
Y. Hu, W.M. Ji, L.W. Zhang*. Water-induced damage revolution of the carbon nanotube reinforced poly (methyl methacrylate) composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 136, 105954, 2020.
J.Y. Ye, L.W. Zhang*, J.N. Reddy, Large strained fracture of nearly incompressible hyperelastic materials: Enhanced assumed strain methods and energy decomposition, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 139, 103939, 2020.
L.W. Zhang*, M.F. Kai, X.H. Chen. Si-doped graphene in geopolymer: Its interfacial chemical bonding, structure evolution and ultrastrong reinforcing ability, Cement and Concrete Composites, 109, 103522, 2020.
M.F. Kai, L.W. Zhang*, K.M. Liew*. Carbon nanotube-geopolymer nanocomposites: A molecular dynamics study of the influence of interfacial chemical bonding upon the structural and mechanical properties, Carbon, 161: 772-783, 2020.
R. Xiang, Z.Z. Pan, H. Ouyang*, L.W. Zhang*. A study of the vibration and lay-up optimization of rotating cross-ply laminated nanocomposite blades, Composite Structures 235 (2020) 111775.
G. Li, B.B. Yin, L.W. Zhang*, K.M. Liew*. Modeling microfracture evolution in heterogeneous composites: A coupled cohesive phase-field model, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 142 (2020) 103968.
L.W. Zhang*, Z.Z. Pan, X. Chen*. Vibration characteristics of matrix cracked pretwisted hybrid composite blades containing CNTRC layers. Journal of Sound and Vibration 473 (2020) 115242.
L.W. Zhang, Y. Xie, D. Lyu, S. Li*, Multiscale modeling of dislocation patterns and simulation of nanoscale plasticity in body-centered cubic (BCC) single crystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 130: 297-319, 2019.
W.H. Liu, L.W. Zhang*. A novel XFEM cohesive fracture framework for modeling nonlocal slip in randomly discrete fiber reinforced cementitious composites, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 355: 1026–1061, 2019.
B.B. Yin, L.W. Zhang*. Phase field method for simulating the brittle fracture of fiber reinforced composites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 211: 321-340, 2019.
W. M. Ji, L. W. Zhang*. Diamond nanothread reinforced polymer composites: Ultra-high glass T transition temperature and low density. Composites Science and Technology, 183: 107789, 2019.
W.M. Ji, L. W. Zhang*. Molecular dynamics simulations of water desalination through polymerized fullerite membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 576, 108-115, 2019.
Mechanical Behaviors of Carbon Nanotubes: Theoretical and numerical approaches. Micro&Nano Technologies Series. Elevier. Jan 2017, ISBN 9780323431378.
Carbon Nanothreads Materials. Springer. ISSN 2524-5384.
1. 张律文; 向仍进; 尹斌斌; 功能梯度纳米复合材料叶片的动力学响应及铺层优化计算软件, 2020SR0089244, 2019-11-12. (软件著作权)
2. 张律文; 尹斌斌; 刘为和; 微纳米纤维增强复合材料的断裂破坏行为预测方法, 2 019-9-3, 中国, CN201910827528.9. (专利)
3. 黄冬梅; 张律文; 张宇; 黄盖先; 万馨纯; 海洋工程中基于Spark的FG-CNT增强复合材料板振动控制方法, 2015-9-30, 中国, CN201510639622.3. (专利)
2014获中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文奖 (Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 273, 1-18, 2014.)
2018获《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Element》最佳论文奖;