




2022.06 – 今: 副教授 博士生导师
2019.10 – 2022.06: 助理教授 博士生导师
2018.10 – 2019.10:新加坡南洋理工大学 土木与环境工程学院 博士后
2017.09 – 2018.10:香港大学 土木工程系 博士后
2013.09 – 2017.09:香港大学 土木工程系 博士


美国土木工程师协会(ASCE) Structural Members Committee委员
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE
Engineering Structures, ELSEVIER
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, ELSEVIER
Thin-Walled Structures, ELSEVIER
Structures, ELSEVIER
Construction and Building Materials, ELSEVIER
Applied Ocean Research, ELSEVIER
International Journal of Steel Structures, SPRINGER
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, EMERALD
Steel and Composite Structures, TECHNO
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, TECHNO
Advances in Structural Engineering, SAGE

国家自然科学基金面上项目, 基于板件屈曲和屈服线机制耦合分析的冷弯型钢腹板压跛性能与设计方法研究, 2024.1-2027.12, 主持
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 高温下冷成型不锈钢方矩管的腹板压跛性能及设计方法研究, 2021.1-2023.12, 主持
上海市科学技术委员会杨帆计划项目, 火灾下不锈钢管局部承压破坏机理与极限承载力研究, 2020.7-2023.6, 主持
上海市公共建筑和基础设施数字化运维重点实验室自主研究课题, 2020.10-2021.10, 主持
"双一流"建设项目人才科研启动基金, 2019.10-2022.12, 主持
上海市科学技术委员会社会发展科技攻关项目, 建筑全生命周期数字化管控关键技术和集成平台开发, 2021.08-2024.07, 参与
国家重点研发计划"政府间国际科技创新合作"重点专项, 正交异性钢桥面板疲劳裂纹的多尺度精细化智能监测技术研究, 2021.07-2024.06, 参与
香港研究资助局优配研究金项目, Cold-formed high strength steel hollow section joints under axial compression, 2019.1-2021.12, 合作研究者(Co-Investigator)
新加坡国家发展部土地和宜居性国家创新挑战项目, Life safety and structural fire safety of mega underground caverns in Singapore, 2018.10-2019.10, 参与
新加坡JTC工业基础设施创新中心项目, The behaviour and design of innovative composite concrete-steel structural system, 2018.10-2019.10, 参与
香港研究资助局优配研究金项目, Cold-formed high strength steel structural members, 2015.1-2018.6, 参与
香港研究资助局优配研究金项目, Cold-formed stainless steel bolted connections at elevated temperatures, 2013.9-2016.5, 参与
交通部西部交通建设科技项目, 在役公路钢桥疲劳寿命预测方法研究, 2011.9-2013.6, 参与
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 正交异性钢桥面板疲劳机理与剩余寿命评估方法研究, 2010.9-2011.12, 参与


参编美国规范SEI/ASCE 8-22《Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members》,负责腹板压跛设计条例Clause 7.5“Web Crippling Strength of Webs without Holes”及条例说明

参编美国规范ANSI/AISC 370-21《Specification for Structural Stainless Steel Buildings》,负责腹板压跛设计条例Clause J12“Square and Rectangular HSS with Concentrated Forces”及条例说明

参与欧洲规范prEN 1993-1-4:202X 《Eurocode 3 — Design of steel structures — Part 1.4: General rules – Supplementary rules for stainless steels》修订,负责起草全新冷弯C型钢和方矩管腹板压跛设计条例Clause“Resistance to transverse forces (web crippling for cold-formed sections)”


33. Zhan, K.-J., Li, H.-T., Fan, Z.-H., and Young, B. “Web crippling tests of cold-formed stainless steel tubular sections at elevated temperatures.” Engineering Structures, 2023. (已录用)

32. Fan, Z.-H., Li, H.-T., and Xu, C.-Y. “Corner material properties of cold-formed lean-duplex stainless steel sections at elevated temperatures.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023. (已录用)

31. Li, H.-T., Zhou, F., and Young B. (2023). “Web crippling design of cold-formed stainless steel SHS and RHS.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 149(11): 04023158.

30. Li, H.-T., Li, Q.-Y., Real, E., and Young B. (2023). “Web crippling resistances of cold-formed stainless steel sections: A proposal for EN 1993-1-4.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 210: 108082.

29. Hu, L., Liang, X., Feng, P., and Li, H.-T. (2023). “Temperature effect on buckling behavior of prestressed CFRP-reinforced steel columns.” Thin-Walled Structures, 188: 110879.

28. 李海汀, 战科江, 王淼, 周锋, 赵金城. 冷弯型钢构件腹板压跛研究进展与趋势. 建筑钢结构进展, 2023, 25(5): 1-12.

27. 战科江, 李海汀, 王淼, 周锋, 赵金城. 冷弯不锈钢方矩管腹板压跛极限承载力. 学报, 2023, 57(12): 1619-1630.

26. Li, H.-T., Zhan, K.-J., and Young, B. (2022). “Web crippling design of cold-formed high strength steel SHS and RHS at elevated temperatures.” Thin-Walled Structures, 180: 109716.

25. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2022). “Cold-formed stainless steel RHS members undergoing combined bending and web crippling: Testing, modelling and design.” Engineering Structures, 250: 113466.

24. Zhou, F., Huang, L., and Li, H.-T. (2022). “Cold-formed stainless steel SHS and RHS columns subjected to local-flexural interactive buckling.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 188: 106999.

23. Li, L., Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2022). “Cold-formed ferritic stainless steel SHS and RHS beams: Testing, modeling and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 197: 107429.

22. Wang, C.-S., Zhang, W.-T., Li, H.-T., Zhai, X.-L., and Xin, Y.-F. (2022). “Shear lag effect of twin I-shaped composite girders in cable-stayed bridges.” Thin-Walled Structures, 137: 106383.

21. Abdelbaset, H., Cheng, B., Tian, L., Li, H.-T., and Zhao, J. (2022). “Enhancing fatigue resistance of rib-to-floorbeam welded connections in orthotropic steel bridge decks by using UHPC layer: An experimental study”. Structures, 36: 153-167.

20. Wang, Z., Ma, C., Li, M., Han, Q., Li, H.-T., and Zhao, D. (2022). “Mechanical properties of 7A04-T6 high strength structural aluminium alloy at elevated temperatures and after cooling down.” Thin-Walled Structures, 180: 109930.

19. Zheng, S., Zhou, F., Cheng, J., Li, H.-T., and Rong, R. (2022). “Experimental study on cyclic hardening characteristics of structural stainless steels.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 191: 107196.

18. Cheng, B., Abdelbaset, H., Li, H.-T., Tian, L., and Zhao, J. (2022). “Fatigue behavior of rib-to-floorbeam welded connections in UHPC reinforced OSDs subjected to longitudinal flexural.” Engineering Failure Analysis, 137: 106383.

17. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2021). “Behaviour of concrete-filled ferritic stainless steel tubular joints: Experimental investigation, numerical modelling and design.” Engineering Structures, 247: 113109.

16. Cheng, B., Abdelbaset, H., Tian, L., Li, H.-T., and Su, Q. (2021). “Hot spot stress investigation on rib-to-deck-to-floor beam connections in UHPC reinforced OSDs.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 179: 106517.

15. Abdelbaset, H., Cheng, B., Tian, L., Li, H.-T., and Zhang, Q.-H. (2020). “Reduce hot spot stresses in welded connections of orthotropic steel bridge decks by using UHPC layer: Experimental and numerical investigation.” Engineering Structures, 220: 110988.

14. He, A., Li, H.-T., Lan, X., Liang, Y., and Zhao O. (2020). “Flexural buckling behaviour and residual strengths of stainless steel CHS columns after exposure to fire.” Thin-Walled Structures, 152: 106715.

13. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2019). “Cold-formed high-strength steel tubular structural members under combined bending and bearing.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(8): 04019081.

12. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2019). “Behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel RHS under localised bearing forces.” Engineering Structures, 183: 1049–1058.

11. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2019). “Cold-formed high strength steel SHS and RHS beams at elevated temperatures.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 158: 475–485.

10. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Residual mechanical properties of high strength steels after exposure to fire.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 148: 562–571.

9. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Web crippling of cold-formed ferritic stainless steel square and rectangular hollow sections.” Engineering Structures, 176: 968–980.

8. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Design of cold-formed high strength steel tubular sections undergoing web crippling.” Thin-Walled Structures, 133: 192–205.

7. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Design of concrete-filled high strength steel tubular joints subjected to compression.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 150: 209–220.

6. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Experimental investigation of concrete-filled high-strength steel tubular X joints.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(10): 04018178.

5. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2017). “Tests of cold-formed high strength steel tubular sections undergoing web crippling.” Engineering Structures, 141: 571–583.

4. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2017). “Cold-formed ferritic stainless steel tubular structural members subjected to concentrated bearing loads.” Engineering Structures, 145: 392–405.

3. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2017). “Material properties of cold-formed high strength steel at elevated temperatures.” Thin-Walled Structures, 115: 289–299.

2. Wang, C.-S., Yen, B.T., Li, H.-T., and Lan, D. (2015). “Fatigue life evaluation of in-service steel bridges by using bi-linear S-N curves.” Advanced Steel Construction, 11: 269–282.

1. Wang, C.-S., Zhai, M.-S., Li, H.-T., Ni, Y.-Q., and Guo, T. (2015). “Life-cycle cost based maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for cable supported bridges.” Advanced Steel Construction, 11: 395–410.


26. Li, H.-T., Jin, C.-C., Li, Q.-Y., and Young, B. (2023). “Tests on cold-formed stainless steel built-up box section stub columns.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Sydney, Australia.

25. Zhan, K.-J., Li, H.-T., Fan, Z.-H., and Young, B. (2023). “Fire tests of cold-formed austenitic stainless steel rectangular hollow section undergoing web crippling.” Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Beijing, China.

24. Fan, Z.-H., Xu, C.-Y., and Li, H.-T. (2023). “Tests on corner properties of cold-formed lean duplex stainless steel sections in fire.” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Kuching, Malaysia.

23. Wang, Z.-Q., Xu, C.-Y., Yan, B., and Li, H.-T. (2023). “Tests on post-fire mechanical properties of double-sided stainless-clad bimetallic steel.” Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, Chengdu, China.

22. Li, H.-T., Li, Q.-Y., Real, E., and Young, B. (2022). “Web crippling resistances of cold-formed stainless steel sections under local transverse forces: A proposal for EN 1993-1-4.” The 6th International Stainless Steel Experts Seminar, London, UK. (Invited Paper)

21. Li, H.-T., Zhou, F., and Young, B. (2022). “New web crippling provision in SEI/ASCE 8 for cold-formed stainless steel square and rectangular hollow sections.” Proceedings of the Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium, Baltimore, USA.

20. Zhan, K.-J., Chen, C., Cai, Y., and Li, H.-T. (2022). “Overhang effect on web crippling capacity of cold-formed austenitic stainless steel SHS members: An experimental study.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Chengdu, China.

19. Ali, S.M.S., Zhan, K.-J., Yuan, J.-Y., Li, H.-T., and Ma, J.-L. (2022). “Behaviour of cold-formed high-strength steel tubular columns at elevated temperatures.” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire, Hong Kong, China.

18. Xu, C.-Y., Wang, M., Li, H.-T., Zhang, J.-H., and Yan, B. (2022). “Experimental investigation on mechanical properties of double-sided stainless-clad bimetallic steel at elevated temperatures.” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire, Hong Kong, China.

17. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2019). “Cold-formed high strength steel RHS under combined bending and web crippling.” Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, Prague, Czech Republic. (Keynote Paper)

16. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Web crippling of cold-formed high strength steel square and rectangular hollow sections under two-flange loading conditions.” Proceedings of the Wei-Wen Yu International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, St. Louis, USA.

15. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Cold-formed ferritic stainless steel tubular sections under end-one-flange loading condition.” Proceedings of the Wei-Wen Yu International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, St. Louis, USA.

14. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Ferritic stainless steel tubular sections under concentrated bearing force: experimental investigation, numerical modelling and design.” Proceedings of the 10th Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong Symposium on Steel Construction, Hangzhou, China. (Keynote Paper)

13. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Post-fire mechanical properties of high strength steels.” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, Valencia, Spain. (Keynote Paper)

12. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2018). “Design of concrete-filled high strength steel tubular X-joints subjected to compression.” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, Valencia, Spain.

11. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2017). “Design of ferritic stainless steel tubular sections subjected to concentrated bearing load.” Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Melbourne, Australia.

10. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2017). “Tests of concrete-filled high strength steel tubular X-joints.” Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Melbourne, Australia.

9. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2017). “Behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel under transient state tests.” Proceedings of the 9th Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong Symposium on Steel Construction, Hong Kong, China. (Keynote Paper)

8. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2016). “Web crippling of cold-formed high strength steel tubular sections under one-flange loading conditions.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminum Structures, Hong Kong, China.

7. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2016). “Mechanical properties of cold-formed high strength steel at elevated temperatures.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa. (Invited Paper)

6. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2015). “Tests of cold-formed high strength steel tubular sections under concentrated bearing load.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced in Steel Structures, Lisbon, Portugal.

5. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2015). “Web crippling tests of cold-formed ferritic stainless steel tubular sections under two-flange loading.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced in Steel Structures, Lisbon, Portugal.

4. Li, H.-T., and Young, B. (2015). “Experimental investigation of cold-formed high strength steel tubular sections undergoing web crippling.” Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

3. Wang, C.-S., Yen, B.T., and Li, H.-T. (2012). “Fatigue life evaluation of in-service steel bridges by using bi-linear S-N curves.” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, Hong Kong, China.

2. Wang, C.-S., and Li, H.-T. (2012). “Cable supported bridge maintenance and rehabilitation strategy based on life-cycle cost.” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, Hong Kong, China.

1. Wang, C.-S., Li, H.-T., and Ren, G.-F. (2012). “Innovative design and applications of U-shaped girder in bridge engineering.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced in Steel Structures, Nanjing, China.




2022年 获优秀班主任荣誉称号
2022年 获黄金枝土木建筑奖研金
2021年 获优秀班主任荣誉称号
2020年 入选上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划
2018年 获国际期刊Journal of Constructional Steel Research杰出审稿人荣誉称号
2017年 获香港大学杰出助理教师奖
2016年 获香港大学杰出助理教师奖
2015年 获中国公路学会科学技术二等奖
2013年 获香港大学博士生全额奖学金
2012年 获硕士研究生国家奖学金
2008年 获本科生国家奖学金