









2014-2019年 ,船舶与海洋工程,博士

2010-2013年 大连理工大学,船舶与海洋结构物设计制造,硕士

2006-2010年 陕西理工大学,数学与应用数学,学士





2023-2024 船研所开放课题 船舶航行油耗预测的数据同化方法研究

2022-2023  SJTU-UCL Collaborative Seed Fund "Transport mechanism and concentration strategy of marine microplastics"

2021-2023 国家自然科学基金青年项目表面张力和接触线作用下的粘流法拉第不稳定性研究” 

2020-2022 人才引进科研启动项目

2020-2021 国家重点实验室自主研究课题新型无泵式深海矿车浮力驱动的理论研究


2021 企业合作项目网衣水动力实验研究

2020-2021 企业合作项目漂浮式光伏系统受力安全评估研究

2015-2019 国家自然科学基金重点项目统一波浪模型及有限水深尖峰孤立波研究

2013-2016 国家自然科学基金面上项目非线性波浪共振研究

  1. G K Ge, W Zhang, B Xie and Jing Li*. 2024, Turbulence model optimization of ship wake field based on data assimilation. Ocean Engineering. 295:116929

  2. Jing Li* and Z L Lin. 2023, A height function based momentum balance model to simulate contact angle dynamics with hysteresis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 95:1-22

  3. Jing Li and X C Li*. 2022, Numerical study of the impact of contact line with hysteresis on the Faraday instability. Physics of Fluids. 34:072108

  4. L Liu, Jing Li* and S J Liao. 2022, Explicit series solutions for supersonic flat-plate boundary layer flows. Physics of Fluids. 34:073607

  5. L Liu, Jing Li* and Shijun Liao. 2022, Explicit solutions of MHD flow and heat transfer of Casson fluid over an exponentially shrinking sheet with suction. Nanomaterials. 12:3289 

  6. Jing Li, and S J Liao*. 2021, On the dynamics of the gravitational lifting system in the deep sea mining industry. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. 6:400-404

  7. T Z Xu, Jing Li*, Z H Li and S J Liao*. 2021, Accurate predictions of chaotic motion of a free fall disk. Physics of Fluids. 33:037111

  8. Y C Huang, Jing Li, B Xie, Z L Lin* and A G L Borthwick. 2021, High-fidelity numerical simulation of solitary wave propagation. Ocean Engineering. 224:108698

  9. Jing Li, X C Li and S J Liao. 2019, Stability and hysteresis of Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cells. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 871:694-716

  10. X C Li, Jing Li*, X M Li, S J Liao and C H Chen. 2019, Effect of width on the properties of Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cell. Science China – Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 62:974711

  11. Jing Li, X C Li, K J Chen, B Xie and S J Liao. 2018, Faraday waves in a Hele-Shaw cell. Physics of Fluids. 30:042106

  12. X C Li, Jing Li, S J Liao and C H Chen. 2018, Effect of depth on the properties of two coupled Faraday waves in a Hele-Shaw cell. Physics of Fluids. 30:102103

  13. Jing Li and S J Liao. 2018, On the free surface motion with a vertical vortex sheet underwater. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1039

  14. H T Li, Jing Li*, Z Zong and Z Chen. 2014, Numerical studies on sloshing in rectangular tanks using a tree-based adaptive solver and experimental validation. Ocean Engineering. 82:20-31

  15. Z Chen, Z Zong, H T Li and Jing Li. 2013, An investigation into the pressure on solid walls in 2D sloshing using SPH method. Ocean Engineering. 59:129-141

  16. 赵勇,李靖*,邹丽,赵延杰. 2019,基于四叉树自适应网格二维晃荡的数值模拟,哈尔滨工程大学学报. 40:266-272

1.船舶流体力学I 专业基础课

2.船舶流体力学II 专业选修课

3.力学仿生——启示与探索 通识核心课程


