1991.9-1995.7, 北方(京)交通大学土木建筑系,工民建专业本科;
1995.9-1998.5, 北方(京)交通大学土木建筑系,结构工程专业硕士;
1998.6-2001.12, 新加坡国立大学土木工程系,结构工程专业博士;
2002.1-2004.6, 美国Vanderbilt 大学土木与环境工程系,博士后;
研究方向: 随机场模拟(风压场模拟,地震波模拟,海浪模拟), 随机有限元方法与结构可靠度分析, 计算模型验证, 地震灾害风险分析
1. 2007年-2009年 国家自然科学基金项目: 基于概率配点法的谱随机有限元方法及其应用(项目批准号:10602036)
2. 2007-2008年 教育部留学回国人员科研基金项目: 随机模拟在结构风工程的应用
3.大飞机研究项目子课题:持续适航人为因素研究包括维修人为因素研究( C919 大型客机人为因素适航要求和符合性验证方法研究—第一阶段)
开发软件:面向对象的随机有限元分析平台CSFEM。 软件是对配点谱随机有限元法理论的实现,使之成为工程师的随机分析工具, 可用于不同物理问题的随机响应分析和可靠度计算。
共发表学术论文40 余篇, 论文总他引次数600余次。
Chen W. & Huang SP. Human Reliability Analysis in Aviation Maintenance by a Bayesian Network Approach.11th International conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR2013). CRC Press/Balkema, 2014.
Chen W. & Huang SP. Human Reliability Analysis for Visual Inspection in Aviation Maintenance by a Bayesian Network Approach. Transportation Research Board: Journal of Transportation Research Record, No.1888,Transportation, 2013 (SCI)
林文闻,黄淑萍. 基于贝叶斯网络的组织因素对船员疲劳的影响分析.中国安全科学学报,2013,23(6):26-31.
黄淑萍,景鹏. 单桩沉降可靠度的配点谱随机有限元分析,计算力学学报,V28, 189-193, 2011。
景鹏,黄淑萍. 基于配点谱随机有限元法的结构可靠性分析, 四川建筑科学研究,2011。
S. P. Huang, B. Liang and K. K. Phoon, Geotechnical probabilistic analysis by collocation-based stochastic response surface method- An EXCEL add-in implementation, Georisk,3 (2) 75-86, 2009
S.P. Huang, S. Mahadevan and R. Rebba, Collocation-based stochastic finite element analysis for random field problems. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 22:194-205,2007.
S.P. Huang, and X.J.Kou, An extended stochastic response surface method for random field problems. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 23 (4): 445-450, 2007.
K. K. Phoon, & S. P. Huang. Uncertainty quantification using multi-dimensional Hermite polynomials. Probabilistic Applications in Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE, Reston,2007.
R. Rebba, S. Mahadevan and S.P. Huang, Validation and Error Estimation of Computational Models, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2006, 9: 1390–1397.
R. Rebba, S. P. Huang and Y. Liu, and S. Mahadevan, Statistical validation of simulation models, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 25, pp. 164 – 181, 2005.
K.K. Phoon, S.P. Huang and S.T. Quek, Applying wavelets to extension of Karhunen-Loeve expansion for simulation, Probabilistic Engineering mechanics 2002; 17(3): 293-303.
10. K.K. Phoon, S.P. Huang and S.T. Quek, Simulation of non-Gaussian processes using Karhunen-Loeve Expansion, Computers & Structures 2002; 80(16): 1049-1060.
S.P. Huang, S.T. Quek and K.K. Phoon, Convergence study of the truncated Karhunen-Loeve expansion for simulation of stochastic processes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2001; 52:1029-1043.
S. P. Huang & K. K. Phoon. Sparse Collocation Based Stochastic Finite Element Method for Reliability Analysis Of Pile Settlement, Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Singapore, May 23 – May 25, 2012.
Liang, B, S. P. Huang & K. K. Phoon, An EXCEL add-in implementation for collocation-based stochastic response surface method, Shanghai, ISGSR2007, Oct18 ~19, 2007.
K. K. Phoon, & S. P. Huang Uncertainty quantification using multi-dimensional Hermite polynomials. Geo-Denver 2007,Denver, USA, February 18-21, 2007.
K. K. Phoon, & S. P. Huang. Geotechnical probabilistic analysis using collocation-based stochastic finite element method, ICASP10, Tokyo, from July 31 to August 3, 2007.
S.P. Huang and S. Mahadevan, Model selection methods for parametric dynamic models, Proceedings of PMC'04, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 26-28, 2004.
S.P. Huang and S. Mahadevan, Validation of Energy Dissipation Model For Lap-Joints, Proceedings of PMC'04, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 26-28, 2004.
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